안녕하세요 ~ 또다시 돌아온 JOHN 쌤과 아이들입니다 !

벌써 2021년도 끝을 향해 달려가는 중이네요 ~ ㅎㅎ
오늘부터는 Christmas 에 관한 CCM 찬양을 소개해 드리려고 하는데요,
첫 곡으로는 Kirik Franklin 의 There’s no christmas without you 입니다~


Kirk Franklin - There's No Christmas Without You

It's time again for the holidays
크리스마스가 다시 시작되었어요

Pain and sorrow miles away
고통과 슬픔은 아주 멀리 사라져요

But in my spirit I've got to say
하지만 저의 마음은

There's no Christmas without You
당신이 없는 크리스마스는 없다고 말씀드릴게요 


With caroling and mistletoe
찬양과 겨우살이와 함께 

Children playing in the snow
눈 속에서 아이들은 놀아요

But in their hearts the world must know
하지만 이런것을 보며 모두가 알아야 할 한가지가 있는데요 

There's no Christmas without You
예수님 빼놓은 크리스마스는 없다는 거에요


* Your gift of love
당신이 주신 사랑의 선물은

Such a sacrifice to give
나를 위한 희생인 걸 알아요

Sent from above
하늘로부터 보내주셨어요

So that we shall forever live
우리가 영원히 살 수 있게

So with our voices lifted high
그러니 우리의 목소리를 높여서 

And praises that reaches to the sky
하늘에 닿을 때 까지 찬양해요

Jesus You're the reason why
예수님 당신이 이유이십니다

There's no Christmas without You
당신을 빼놓은 크리스마스는 없어요

There's no Christmas without You
예수님 빼놓은 크리스마스는 없어요




* Your gift of love
당신이 주신 사랑의 선물은

Such a sacrifice to give 
나를 위한 희생인 걸 알아요

Sent from above
하늘로부터 보내주셨어요

So that we shall forever live
우리가 영원히 살 수 있게

So with our voices lifted high
그러니 우리의 목소리를 높여서 

And praises reaches to the sky
하늘에 닿을 때 까지 찬양해요

Jesus You're the reason why
예수님 당신이 이유이십니다

There's no Christmas without You
당신을 빼놓은 크리스마스는 없어요

There's no Christmas without You
예수님 빼놓은 크리스마스는 없어요


There is no Christmas time
크리스마스는 없어요

Without you Jesus.
예수님 없이는  

Without you Jesus.
예수님 없이는

찬양 잘 들으셨나요?
11월의 첫날인 오늘,  Kirk Franklin - There's No Christmas Without You 를 시작으로
함께 성탄절을 준비해 보아요 !
지금까지 JOHN 쌤과 아이들이었습니다. 감사합니다 ~!!