안녕하세요 죤쌤과 아이들입니다~~

드디어 2022년 여름이 시작되었습니다.
오늘 저희가 소개해드릴 곡은 The Afters의 Shadows라는 곡입니다~!
여름의 더위를 날려줄 시원한 가창의 밴드곡이죠^^
함께 들으러 가보실까요?~~


The Afters - Shadows


I am breaking through the concrete
나는 벽을 부수고 있어요

Like an inmate to the light of day
대낮의 수감자처럼

I'll take my chances on the outside
나는 밖에서 기회를 잡을거에요

With a dark side that I can't escape
벗어날 수 없는 어두운 곳으로부터

If you know me, you know I got nothing to lose
당신이 나를 알고있다면 내가 잃을 것이 없다는 것을 알고 있을 거에요

It's do or die, but this time I'm gonna do
살던지 죽던지이지만 이번에는 살 거예요

If you know me, you know I got nothing to lose
당신이 나를 알고있다면 내가 잃을 것이 없다는 것을 알고 있을 거에요


Wake up the statues, breathe out the dust
내 안을 깨워 먼지를 내뱉어

Shock of a heartbeat, rush of the blood
심장박동의 충격이 피를 움직여

Breaking into my skin, feel the burning again
내 피부로 파고들어 다시 타오르는걸 느껴

I can't escape it, it's time to rise up from the shadows
피할 수 없어 죄에서 벗어날 시간이야

Ri-ri-ri-rise up from the shadows
죄악에서 건져져



All the circuits reigniting
모든 내삶이 재점화 되어 

Like a lighter in a stadium
세상의 광원처럼

Echoes of angels in cathedrals
대성당의 천사들의 메아리처럼

Calling my name like a prodigal
탕자처럼 내 이름을 불러

If you know me, you know I got nothing to lose
당신이 나를 알고있다면 내가 잃을 것이 없다는 것을 알고 있을 거에요

It's do or die, but this time I'm gonna do
죽을수도 있지만 이번에는 할거야

If you know me, you know I got nothing to lose
당신이 나를 알고있다면 내가 잃을 것이 없다는 것을 알고 있을 거에요


Wake up the statues, breathe out the dust
내 안을 깨워 먼지를 내뱉어

Shock of a heartbeat, rush of the blood
심장박동의 충격이 피를 움직여

Breaking into my skin, feel the burning again
내 피부로 파고들어 다시 타오르는걸 느껴

I can't escape it, it's time to rise up from the shadows
피할 수 없어 죄에서 벗어날 시간이야

Ri-ri-ri-rise up from the shadows
죄악에서 건져져

Ri-ri-ri-rise up from the shadows
죄악에서 건져져


Awaken my soul
나의 영혼을 깨워

Awaken my senses
나의 감각들을 꺠워

This flesh and bones
이 살과 뼈

Rise up from the shadows
죄악에서 건져져

Awaken my soul
나의 영혼을 깨워

Awaken my senses
나의 감각들을 꺠워

This flesh and bones
이 살과 뼈

Ri-ri-ri-rise up from the shadows
죄악에서 건져져



Wake up the statues, breathe out the dust
내 안을 깨워 먼지를 내뱉어

Shock of a heartbeat, rush of the blood
심장박동의 충격이 피를 움직여

Breaking into my skin, feel the burning again
내 피부로 파고들어 다시 타오르는걸 느껴

I can't escape it, it's time to rise up from the shadows
피할 수 없어 죄에서 벗어날 시간이야

Wake up the statues, breathe out the dust
내 안을 깨워 먼지를 내뱉어

Shock of a heartbeat, rush of the blood
심장박동의 충격이 피를 움직여

Breaking into my skin, feel the burning again
내 피부로 파고들어 다시 타오르는걸 느껴

I can't escape it, it's time to rise up from the shadows
피할 수 없어 죄에서 벗어날 시간이야

노래 The Afters의 Shadows를 들으시면서 올해 여름의 더위가 잊혀지면 좋겠습니다!!

지금까지 죤쌤과 아이들이였습니다!! 감사합니다!!!