안녕하세요!! 오랜만에 찾아온 John 쌤과 아이들입니다~~!!~!

약 3달간의 공백이 있었는데요 재정비를 하고 오느라 늦게 왔다는 점~~~여러분의 넓은 아량으로 이해해 주시길 바랍니당ㅜㅜㅠㅠㅜ

어느새 꽃들이 활짝 피고 봄비가 내리네용

비가 와도 항상 우리를 지켜주시는 주님을 묵상하며 오늘 준비한 찬양 소개해 드리겠습니당!!


저희가 오늘 준비한 찬양은 바로~~!!~!!!

Building 429의 I Still Believe 라는 곡입니당!!

자작자작 내리는 빗소리와 함께 저희가 오늘 준비한 찬양 한번 들으러 가보실까요??


Building 429 - I Still Believe
Building 429 - 난 여전히 믿네

Call me a renegade, 'cause I'm not afraid
배신자라고 불러도 돼, 난 두렵지 않거든

To defend this faith I've had since I was fifteen
내가 열다섯 일때 부터 가져온 믿음을 지키는 것이

And it changed me, and it put this fire inside of me but
날 변화 시켰고, 내 안에 불을 지폈네 하지만

Wave after wave the world tries to kill the flame
세상의 파도가 이 불꽃을 꺼뜨리려고 하네

This is my anthem, I'm not ashamed to say
이것은 나의 찬양이고, 나는 부끄럽지 않네

That I still believe
난 여전히 믿네

In a God who moves, in a God who still redeems
행하시는 주님을, 구원하시는 주님을

And His love holds on like gravity
그의 사랑이 중력처럼 날 붙들고 계시네

This is my gospel, I'm not ashamed about it
이것은 나의 복음이고, 나는 전혀 부끄럽지 않네

Give me a megaphone, I'm not afraid to shout it
사람들 앞에서 크게 외치는 것이 두렵지 않네

That I still believe
난 여전히 믿고 있네

Call me a radical, fanatical
내가 미쳤다고 하지만

But I was a dead man rescued by the supernatural
나는 그 놀라운 기적에 의해 구원 받은 사람이네

It's a miracle, how He breathed new life into these bones
그가 나에게 새로운 삶과 숨을 주신 것은 기적이네

Hope lit the spark and love turned it to a flame
이 작은 불씨가 사랑의 불길이 되길 원하네 

This is my anthem, I'm not afraid to say
이것은 나의 찬송이고, 나는 두려워하지 않네 

That I still believe
난 여전히 믿네

In a God who moves, in a God who still redeems
행하시는 주님을, 날 구원하신 주님을

And His love holds on like gravity
변치 않는 그의  사랑이 날 붙들고 계시네

This is my gospel, I'm not ashamed about it
이것은 나의 복음이고, 나는 전혀 부끄럽지 않네

Give me a megaphone, I'm not afraid to shout it
두렵지 않네 사람들 앞에서 나 크게 외치리

That I still believe
난 여전히 믿고 있네

That I still believe
 난 여전히 믿고 있네

Open your eyes
눈을 떠보라

We believe in one Lord
우리는 주님 한분만을 믿네

Jesus Christ, the only Son of God
하나님의 독생자이신 예수 그리스도

True God from True God, Light from Light
진실의 주님으로부터 빛으로 오셨네

For our sake, He was crucified and buried
우리를 위해 고통 당하시고 무덤에 들어가셨네

But on the third day, He rose again
그러나 셋째 날, 다시 살아나셨네

That I still believe
난 여전히 믿네

In a God who moves, in a God who still redeems
행하시는 주님을, 나를 구원하시는 하나님을

And His love holds on like gravity
그 사랑이 중력처럼 날 붙들고 계시네

This is my gospel, I'm not ashamed about it
이것은 나의 복음이며, 나는 부끄러워하지 않으리

Give me a megaphone, I'm not afraid to shout it
사람들 앞에서 크게 외치는 것을 두려워 하지 않으리

That I still believe
난 여전히 믿고 있네

You're still moving, I can prove it
행하시는 주님을 증명할 수 있네

'Cause Your love's still moving me
주님의 사랑이 여전히 날 움직이시니

I still believe
난 여전히 믿네

You're still moving, I can prove it
행하시는 주님을 증명할 수 있네

'Cause Your love's still moving me
주님의 사랑이 여전히 날 움직이시니

I still believe
난 여전히 믿네

You're still moving, I can prove it 
행하시는 주님을 증명할 수 있네

'Cause Your love's still moving me
주님의 사랑이 여전히 날 움직이시니

Building 429의 멋있는 찬양 "I Still Believe"모두 잘 들으셨나요~??~?

주님의 사랑이 지금도 역사하신다는 사실을 묵상할 수 있는 찬양인 것 같아요ㅎㅎㅎ

저희가 준비한 건 여기까지 입니당!!

오늘 하루도 하나님의 사랑 안에 거하는 하루가 되시길 기도할게요!!

모두 좋은 하루 보내세요오!!❤️